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Our Services

Building Better Governance

Good governance is a distinct and potent mix of vision, strategy, leadership, risk management, assurance, and transparency. It is much more than meetings and diagrams.

Examples of governance consultancy that we provide are:​

  • Review and creation of governance architectures, terms of reference, and decision and assurance protocols

  • Reviews of risk management processes, co-production of Board Assurance Frameworks, and refresh of risk appetite and risk policy

  • Co-ordination and delivery of investigations into institutional failings

  • Revision and creation of corporate instruments, e.g., Constitution and Standing Orders, Standing Financial Instructions, Scheme of Delegation, Policies

  • Day to day governance delivery, e.g., interim Company Secretary support

  • “Governance 101” training, and in-depth subject specific training 

  • Development of cycles of business and cycles of meetings


Company Secretary, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

ANHH Consulting has proven to be an invaluable resource to our Trust.
The depth of knowledge provided, the vast resources available, and the experience 0f the Team have provided us with a more informed and solid understanding
of the ever-changing healthcare governance environment. They have helped our
thinking, provided us with alternative perspectives, and actively coached/mentored/
advised us to generate and co-create solutions.
Political Figure

Inspiring Leadership

The most effective leaders see the bigger picture and behave in ways that drive improvement in culture and performance while remaining true to organisational values.  We partner individuals and Boards to be the best versions of themselves.

Examples of services we provide to improve your leadership are:​

  • Facilitation of the forming, storming, and norming of new leadership groups

  • Blending of executive and non-executive teams to enhance a Unitary Board as a supportive, effective group

  • Well-led self-assessment, diagnosis and preparation to achieve improved ratings

  • Meeting observations to drive more effective debate and decisions

  • Focus on improved and inclusive culture through revised leadership and managerial styles

  • Skills matrix, gap analysis, and skills improvement plan

  • Group development and training, e.g., Board, Council of Governors, Executive Teams

  • Media training

  • Support to new NEDs

  • 1:1 coaching and mentoring

Chief Executive, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

ANHH were both personable and knowledgeable while still offering reflection
to the individual. They developed clear insights into areas where we could strengthen as a Board and provided timely and clear reporting in response to agreed outcomes.

Establishing Systems

No organisation is an island, and the future is being shaped around multi-agency partnerships, across sectors, and within new systems.  We are expert at coalescing disparate groups around shared ambitions and objectives.

Examples of system design and implementation that we provide are:​

  • Modelling of Provider Collaborative governance arrangements

  • Production of Partnership Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, Information Sharing Protocols, and Risk & Gainshare Agreements

  • Cross-sector and multi-sector strategic and business planning in co-production with citizens and service users

  • Bringing sectors together to understand shared ambitions and risks

  • Support to the commercial sector in bidding for work with the public sector

  • Facilitation of risk and wicked problems workshops to test escalation and assurance processes

  • Programme management and direction, overseeing activities within and between partners to hit a critical path

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Chief Executive, Birmingham Mind Chair of BSol VCFSE Mental Health Collaborative and Panel

I pay tribute to ANHH for all their support to us over the last year. 

We would never have achieved what we have achieved without them. 

They have worked really hard to ensure that the VCFSE is formally represented, and
actively supported the sector to organise itself, helping deliver Terms of Reference and providing some really helpful training. It is truly a sea-change in how decisions
and oversight of mental health services are made.

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Fostering the Third Sector

Our society would not function without the third sector.  We are proud to have our roots deeply embedded in charities and have a particular expertise in promoting their benefit and needs.

Examples of third sector changes that we can make are:

  • Governance reviews framed by the Charity Governance Code and OSCR

  • Rapid reviews in response to crisis and challenge

  • Merger governance advice and leadership

  • Production of new and refresh of existing governance instruments

  • Strategy development and policy alignment

  • Creation of strategic plans

  • Risk analysis

  • Co-production advice and support

  • Leadership and governance training

  • Trustee and Chair recruitment

  • Skills matrix, gap analysis, and skills improvement plan

  • Trustee induction

  • Trustee 360 appraisal

  • Interim leadership

  • Interim governance support

  • Social media and communications

Chair, Richard Watts and the City of Rochester Almshouse Charities

The team carried out our first ever external governance review. They had a very professional approach and carried out detailed interviews of Trustees, staff, and advisors, along with reviewing administrative procedures and policies. We received a very comprehensive report and a clear presentation of the review team’s findings.

Registered Address:

Innovation Centre 6,

Smart Innovation Hub
Denise Coates Foundation Building,

Keele University,
Keele. Staffordshire ST5 5NS

Company registration no: 12743276

VAT registration no: 356 1529 92


01283 381680

07776 01 8000

D-U-N-S no: 226079910

ICO Registration Reference: ZB624138

© 2024 by ANHH Consulting Ltd

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